lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

What should I do?

When you have an addiction, you have a dependence on something. It could be a dependence on alcohol, tobacco, drugs, food, work, shopping, etc.
But now, I'm going to talk about smoking addiction. This affect your body and your brain...and the consequences are severe. BUT! you are in time to stop this! and, guess what? I am going to give you some ideas.

*Try to stay away from smokers
*There are now nicotine chewing gum, so you can replace cigarettes for gum!
*Try to keep your mind busy, think positive things or do things that keep you away from smoking
*If you are extremely hungry once you stop smoking, eat fruit rather than junk or fast food, don't even think in the words "sweets or chocolate", because you can become a chocoholic!!

If you stop smoking you will have extra money, because all the money you spent on cigarettes, now you can spent on other things! like buying clothes, gifts, travel, etc.


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