lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

First year at the university!

I have to say that I was really nervous before starting university. I didn’t know what my classmates or teachers would be like, or how the subjects would be…but when the classes started I realized that it wasn’t as terrible as I thought!
I really like the friendship we are forming…I never thought it was going to be that fun being at university, but when you have such good, funny and crazy people around you, the time seems to fly!
Maybe “something bad” in this whole year is that some subject are not so interesting for me…but you have to deal with them…it is in the future when you realize that these kind of subject are also important.
I think I should have studied more this year, because I always end up falling sleep so one of the things that I have to change for the next year is that, I have to organize my time and NOT study the day before the test! If I had studied for the majority of the tests I already had, now I would probably have better marks.
I really hope that next year  will be just like this! Or even better! I am really looking forward for what future holds!

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